East Edson, AB


Successful Environmental Remediation: Reclaimit as Prime Contractor

Reclaimit’s environmental consultancy team was engaged for the environmental assessment, remediation planning, and remedial project execution for a historic oil and gas liquid waste disposal facility. The feature was located in the boreal forest region of western Canada and included above ground waste storage infrastructure and a downhole injection well for disposal of approved liquid waste substances.

The project scope of work required an environmental consultant-lead site assessment to determine the type and extent of environmental contamination associated with the development. The environmental site investigation achieved regulatory standards, delineated the extent of contamination, and supported the development of a scope of work for the site’s remediation.

To successfully execute the completion of decommissioning and remediation tasks, Reclaimit consultants directed the removal of surface debris and below-ground infrastructure, provided health and safety oversight for specialized contract services such as pipeline abandonment, and oversaw the excavation, loading, hauling and disposal of all industrial debris and contaminated soil to a regulatory approved disposal facilities. A total of 211 tractor trailer loads (6699 tonnes) of contaminated soil and 3 loads of metal and other industrial remnants were safely disposed. Upon completion of the project the site was rendered ready for its next treatment phase, final surface reclamation.

Read on to gather more detail on the Reclaimit environmental consultancy’s approach to the successful execution of this project scope.

Step #1: Identify Environmental Issues

A previously completed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was provided to Reclaimit’s lead environmental consultant. The consultant reviewed the Phase I ESA, updated it with additional historic management findings and completed a site visit to confirm the site’s condition. A Phase II ESA was then planned to define the type and extent of environmental contaminants on site.

View into the site from the former facility entrance, 2007.

Water location of interest located on site during the initial site visit, 2007.

Water monitoring well in foreground, concrete pad, and a riser toward the background. Initial site visit, 2007.

Pile support for a former building. Initial site visit, 2007.

Surveying of site and the identification of well centre for the former disposal well. Hazard Identification and Control, 2007.

Line locate and electro-magnetic services to identify underground infrastructure and concentrations of metals and salinity. Hazard Identification and Control, 2007.

Surface identification stakes identifying the location of buried infrastructure. Hazard Identification and Control, 2007.

Hydro-vac services to expose located below-ground infrastructure, Hazard Identification and Control, 2007.

Exposed below-ground infrastructure at two different depths and travelling in different directions, Hazard Identification and Control, 2007.

Step #3: Defining the Problem with a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

The Phase II ESA was a strategically focused site investigation, investigating any noted Area of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) and retrieving samples for analysis for onsite Substance Of Potential Concern (SOPC).  Findings were rapidly reported to the client and, as required and in consultation with the client, to government representatives.

Sample cores installed at strategic locations onsite, Site Investigation Phase II ESA, 2007.

Sample core extraction, BG location, Site Investigation Phase II ESA, 2007.

Step #4: Clean up the site

Once Phase II ESA results were reported and authorization to proceed with site remediation was received from the client, Reclaimit commenced project tasks including:

  • Remove above and below ground infrastructure.
  • Excavate, load and haul contaminated soil material and industrial debris, including miscellaneous pipes, metal debris, 3 underground storage tanks, concrete blocks and pieces and other loose cables and garbage to approved disposal facilities.

Remote workstation for site check-in and the environmental consultant’s base of operations, 2007-8.

Organized site debris collected and placed by hand. Concentrated for ease of retrieval after the first snowfall, autumn 2007.

Concrete pad removal for disposal, spring 2008.

Buried culvert excavation and removal before frost ground conditions set in, autumn 2007.

Excavated pipe material awaiting disposal after on-site pipeline abandonment, spring 2008.

End of pipeline that was purged. Cut at the outside edge of the site boundary, spring 2008.

Underground storage tank excavation and removal, spring 2008.

Contaminated Material Removal & Disposal

Upon safe completion of surface debris and infrastructure removal, Reclaimit initiated the excavation, loading, hauling and disposal of contaminated material to a pre-approved disposal facility. In this case of this project the destination was an approved Class II Landfill. Once material removal was complete confirmatory soil sampling of the floor and sidewalls of excavations took place to confirm all source waste material was successfully removed for disposal.

A new find of contaminated material after removal of a clean soil cap, 2008.

Contaminated material removed from around well centre, 2008.

Final clean-up of contaminated soil material destined for disposal at a Class II landfill, 2008.

Spoil pile of contaminated soil material staged for loading and disposal, 2008.

Loading of contaminated soil destined for an approved Class II Landfill, 2008.

Open excavation after final removal of all contaminated soil material, 2008.

After contaminated soil material was removed and all regulatory criteria were achieved the environmental consultant deemed the location to be reclamation ready.

Click here to learn more about Forestland Reclamation  or view project examples of Reclaimit’s success in completing land reclamation projects to an industry leading standard of excellence.